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6 Annual
Scholarships + Friends of the Firm Scholarship


Apply Today for One of Our Spring 2025 Scholarships

Our team at Burress Injury Law is passionate about helping the “underdogs.” We represent victims who have suffered serious injuries or lost loved ones due to the negligence of others. Specifically, we help our clients persevere in the face of adversity to receive the medical treatment they need and recover all of the compensation they are owed under the law for their losses and damages. With our Underdog Scholarships, we aim to support prospective applicants who have persevered in the face of adversity and who want to use their life experiences to help others.

Additionally, we offer Friends of the Firm Scholarships for deserving students with a connection to our law firm.

To contact our scholarship team, please send all inquiries to scholarship@mytexasfirm.com.

Burress Injury Law provides a minimum of 6 annual scholarships each year to deserving students. The Underdog Scholarships awarded are between $2,500-$5,000 and are offered during the Spring and Fall semesters. The Friends of the Firm Scholarships are typically $1,000-$2,500. Our scholarships are available to undergraduate students throughout the United States, and the awards can be applied to tuition and other education expenses at the recipients' schools. We are currently accepting applications for Spring 2025.

In Honor Of...

We offer our scholarship awards in loving honor of our Grandparents



Wilbur “Buddy” & Jackie Morgan



Elroy & Kathryn Schulze



Dr. Ron & Gloria Ridge



Henry & Tena Burress



Any students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for a Spring 2025 Burress Injury Law Scholarship:

  • You are a U.S. citizen.
  • You have a demonstrated record of community or volunteer service.
  • You are enrolled in an undergraduate program at an accredited U.S. college or university for the Spring 2025 semester.
  • High school graduates may apply if you are enrolled in college for the semester immediately following the application deadline (Spring 2025).
  • Applicants need to be enrolled in at least 12 hours of college courses at the time the scholarship awards are issued.

Application Instructions

If you are interested in applying, please write an essay of 500 words or less (submissions of over 500 words will not be considered) in response to the prompt to the right:

If you are so fortunate to have a Grandparent who is or was important in your life, we would love to hear about your relationship with your Grandparent in your response, including meaningful ways they have helped you and you have helped them.

Along with your essay, please submit your contact information, a professional photograph of yourself, and proof of your college enrollment. All materials should be submitted using the form below.

The deadline for consideration for a Spring 2025 scholarship is December 2, 2024. Only one submission per applicant is permitted.


Describe a challenge or trying time in your life through which you persevered, and how the experience helped shape your future.

Selection Criteria

A committee will review all applications and make the final selections of three recipients for Spring 2025 based on these criteria:

Demonstrated passion for standing up to adversity in your life and career
Originality and thoughtfulness of your essay response
Organization, clarity, and correctness of your writing

The Spring 2025 recipients will be notified by January 8, 2025, and their awards will be sent to the financial aid offices at their corresponding schools.
Recipients agree to the use of their name, essay, and likeness on the Burress Injury Law website and our other marketing channels.

Contact Us With
Your Questions

For questions about applying or general inquiries about the Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarship program, please contact us here.

Underdog Scholarship Awards

  • Chelsea Williams

    Scholarship Fall 2024 Winners

    Our First Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarship for Fall 2024 for $2,500 is awarded to McKinney North graduate, Chelsea Williams! Chelsea has faced the challenges of Misophonia, a rare disorder, and turned those struggles into strengths. Her determination has helped her overcome tough times.

  • Addison Raffle

    Scholarship Fall 2024 Winners

    Our Second Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarship for Fall 2024 for $2,500 is awarded to Addison Raffle! Addison followed her Grandfather’s example by turning challenges into opportunities to help others.

  • Rosa Davi

    Scholarship Fall 2024 Winners

    Our Third Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarship for Fall 2024 for $2,500 is awarded to Rosa Davi! Rosa’s ability to keep going despite losing her father is inspiring. With her mother’s advice to "Be the light in someone’s darkness," Rosa is now using her own experiences to help and uplift others.

  • Diane Le

    Scholarship Spring 2024 Winners

    Our First Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarship for Spring 2024 for $2,500 is awarded to Diane Le! In 2020, Diane lost a close family member due to family violence. She began attending therapy and learned the importance of therapists/counselors and how they can help people regain their mental health.

  • Sydney Borchardt

    Scholarship Spring 2024 Winners

    Our Second Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarship for Spring 2024 for $2,500 is awarded to Sydney Borchardt! At 10 years old, Sydney was diagnosed with scoliosis. To reduce her curvature she had to wear a back brace 23 hours a day, travel to Wisconsin every 6 months and did specialized scoliosis exercises and yoga everyday.

  • Sarah Doshier

    Scholarship Spring 2024 Winners

    Our Third Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarship for Spring 2024 for $2,500 is awarded to McKinney High graduate, Sarah Doshier! Sarah’s dad passed away when she was ten years old, and then her mom was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was a sophomore in high school.

  • Emily Watson

    Scholarship Spring 2024 Winners

    Our 4th Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarship for Spring 2024 in the amount of $2,500 is awarded to Emily Watson! At age 11, Emily’s mother suffered a very significant personal injury that restricted her ability to work and limited her ability to even be a homemaker.

  • Emily Knerr

    Scholarship Spring 2024 Winners

    Our 5th Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarship for Spring 2024 in the amount of $2,500 is awarded to Emily Knerr! At 6 years old Emily was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer, with a 96% mortality rate. She received significant treatment and initially overcame the cancer.

  • Adem Byrdsell

    Scholarship Fall 2023 Winners

    Our First Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarship for Fall 2023 for $2,500 is awarded to Adem Byrdsell! In 2021, Adem was involved in a major crash and suffered a traumatic brain injury, C5 spinal fracture, bruised lungs, fractured sternum, and fractured ribs. After the accident, Byrdsell wanted to help underprivileged teens who play sports where he grew up in Liberia.

  • Presley Hazelwood

    Scholarship Fall 2023 Winners

    Our Second Fall 2023 Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarship for $2,500 is awarded to McKinney's own, Presley Hazelwood! Presley was born with Arthrogryposis, which affects her feet, legs, and hip. She has endured 10 surgeries, has 9 screws in her hip, and wears ankle/foot orthotics. One of Presley's goals is to become a pediatric nurse and help kids just like her.

  • Sarah Skinner

    Scholarship Fall 2023 Winners

    At age 11, Sarah was diagnosed with acute lymphatic leukemia which isolated her from all the things she loved such as friends, school, sports, and church. Sarah’s life-changing diagnosis and the quality of medical care she received led her to want to become a nurse. She hopes to build a welcoming environment for patients just as her nurses created for her!

  • Abigail Klein

    Scholarship Fall 2023 Winners

    Our Fourth Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarship for Fall 2023 for $2,500 is awarded to Abigail Klein! Abigail has persevered through and overcome challenges related to mental health. She is planning to become a therapist through her studies at the University of North Texas to improve the mental health of others.

  • Nathan Eller

    Scholarship Previous Winners

    Our Second Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarship for Fall 2022 in the amount of $2,500.00 is awarded to Nathan Eller! As a high school student, Nathan’s dream was to play college football and violin. During his junior year, however, doctors discovered a cancerous mass in his chest.

  • Kinja Bagalwa

    Scholarship Previous Winners

    Our third Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarship for Fall 2022 in the amount of $2,500.00 is awarded to Kinja Bagalwa. Kinja is a University of Buffalo student who originally came to the U.S. as a Refugee from D.R. Congo. She has successfully dealt with a lifelong speech impediment about which she was teased growing up.

  • Alice Skiff

    Scholarship Previous Winners

    Our 4th Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarship for Fall 2022 in the amount of $2,500.00 is awarded to Alice Skiff, a University of Maine at Farmington student. Alice was diagnosed with brain cancer as a 12 year old child, for which she underwent emergency brain surgery.

  • Kelan Lawson

    Scholarship Previous Winners

    Our 3rd Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarship in the amount of $5,000.00 will be awarded to Kelan Lawson, a student who recently transferred from Arkansas to Texas Tech. Kelan is a Texas boy and the very embodiment of an underdog who works hard every day to overcome adversity.

  • Cassidy Habel

    Scholarship Previous Winners

    We are honored to award our 2nd Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarship in the amount of $2,500.00 to Texas Tech student, Cassidy Habel. Cassidy’s essay details her struggle after enduring serious injuries from being struck by a motorcycle.

  • Phillip Tompkins

    Scholarship Previous Winners

    We are proud to award our very first Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarship in the amount of $2,500.00 to Connor Phillip Tompkins. Out of more than 200 applicants, Connor was the only student attending medical school. He is following in the footsteps of his Grandfather, a physician who spoke 4 languages.

Friends of the Firm Scholarship Awards

  • Rose Duncan

    Friends of the Firm Scholarship 2025 Winner

    Our Friends of the Firm Scholarship Recipient for Fall 2024 in the amount of $1,000 is awarded to Rose Duncan! This is Rose's second scholarship from our firm, awarded to recipients who achieve the Dean’s List for the semester after becoming a scholarship recipient. Rose is the daughter of Matt Duncan, who served as Burress Injury Law’s original banker from 2008 to 2012.

  • Charlotte Hamann

    Friends of the Firm Scholarship 2025 Winner

    Our Friends of the Firm Scholarship Recipient for Fall 2024 in the amount of $1,000 is awarded to Charlotte Hamann! Charlotte is a ManeGait volunteer and has volunteered in support of our annual Burress Injury Law Family Picnic!

  • Curt Fendley

    Friends of the Firm Scholarship 2025 Winner

    Our Friends of the Firm Scholarship Recipient for Fall 2024 in the amount of $2,500 is awarded to Curt Fendley! Jason is Curt's godfather. Curt’s dad, Clifton Fendley, and Jason have been best friends for almost 40 years. Growing up, Curt was surrounded by community leaders in his family, which inspired his passion for helping others.

  • Rose Duncan

    Friends of the Firm Scholarship 2024 Winner

    Our Friends of the Firm Scholarship Recipient for Spring 2024 in the amount of $1,000 is awarded to Rose Duncan! Rose is the daughter of Matt Duncan, Burress Law’s original banker between 2008-2012.

  • Erickson Mathieu, Kate Hines and Ainsley Mathieu

    Friends of the Firm Scholarship Previous Winners

    Congratulations to Erickson Mathieu, Kate Hines and Ainsley Mathieu, who are our 3 Burress Injury Law Friends of the Firm scholarship recipients for Fall 2023. Our Friends of the Firm scholarships are $1,000 each!

  • Ciera Hecht

    Friends of the Firm Scholarship Previous Winners

    Our fall scholarship round featured many outstanding applicants, so much so, we created two $1,000.00 Friends of the Firm scholarships. We are honored to name Ciera Hecht as one of our scholarship recipients. Her commitment and perseverance are why we have chosen Ciera to receive this scholarship. Whoop!

  • Laney Bice

    Friends of the Firm Scholarship Previous Winners

    Our second Friends of the Firm scholarship recipient endured a silent battle, including injuries from a car crash that occurred when she was 15 years old. Burress Injury Law successfully tried Laney’s case last fall. Laney is doing great and just left home for Stephen F. Austin. She plans to become a nurse!

Scholarship Application Form

The Burress Injury Law Underdog Scholarship is managed through the OVC Scholarship Network.

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